The percentage of automotive shoppers who utilize video throughout the buying cycle continues to climb…and approximately 70% of all automotive shoppers are more likely purchase after viewing a dealership video. And though many dealerships are utilizing effective video strategies to drive shoppers to their website, very few automotive websites provide the exact video content that today’s shopper desires the most.
FlickFusion makes it easy for you to start and scale an effective Video Marketing Strategy, including end-to-end video content and distribution automation that provides your automotive shoppers with unique and engaging video content that is proven to increase all of your lower funnel KPI’s (Return Visitors, VDP Views, Leads, Appointments, Shows, and Sales). And the best part is that all of your video content is hosted on FlickFusion’s award winning VidCom video marketing platform to combine each individual shopper’s unique shopping behaviors across multiple touch-points with CRM, DMS, and other Sales & Marketing Data triggers, to enhance each unique shopper’s experience and provide the most informational and relevant video presentation possible for each shopper.
It’s intelligent video for intelligent dealerships that are serious about maximizing their video content to deliver more (and better) leads than ever before. Give us a call today and learn how FlickFusion can help you. We look forward to serving you.